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Beyond Status Quo:
Unlocking Human Potential
Karen Sherwood

BG5 Consultant, Group, Team and Individual Trainings
Master Instructo
r, Motivational Speaker


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Beyond Status Quo: what once worked - no longer works.  It's time to awaken with our true potential.

Times are rapidly changing. We need a new way of thinking and looking at the world to awaken our fullest potential, especially as leaders.

In many respects we have been living a "conditioned life" of what we think we should do and be. What if your life doesn't have to be that hard?


Yes, we have to focus on the things that matter, but do we need to work ourselves into exhaustion? Do we need to struggle financially and experience daily frustration in our relationships both personally and professionally?

Here's where I come in.


What if I could give you (and your team/group) personalized keys to success to enhance everyone's working career, relationships and health, as well as giving everyone an overall sense of purpose that is deeply fulfilling.


This is far beyond status quo, and this makes all the difference in today's world.

This is what I do.

I give groups, teams and individuals the power to go beyond the status quo to flourish in your life, your career and your business so that you have the power and confidence you have always been searching for.


I provide you and your team with a unique career blueprint that will lead you to a world of satisfaction, success, and peace of mind that aligns with your natural abilities.


To get beyond the status quo - contact me for a personalized one-on-one 45 minute strategy session including a personalized full report today.

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What Makes Me Different

With three pieces of factual data I can identify your personalized 16 Success Codes that will show you how to...

  • Utilize your Energy for maximum results to avoid burnout or fatigue.

  • Quickly identify what is holding you back, so you can easily get back on track.

  • Communicate with others based on your design to avoid resistance and misunderstandings and much, much more!

I am one of the world's leading pioneering authorities in the BG5 Success Formula after having worked with this system for over a decade - empowering clients, designing courses, teaching consultants & instructors and impacting thousands of individuals around the globe.

Get Your Personalized Free Report to Start Your Journey of Discovery!

What Clients & Students Are Saying...
Loraine Berg

Experienced burnout and challenges in relationships. Now her whole physical world has transformed being able to move to the rhythm of her design with peace.

Rob Thomas

Moved from feeling underutilized & deeply frustrated to a place of  power where he can create & respond to life.

Shelley Finerty

Experienced extreme burnout and and now knows how to use her energy correctly only doing what feels great.

Chris Montoya

Became aware of how he can be emotionally triggered by others and now is able navigate relationships without being thrown into a dysfunctional response.

Alina Jitariu

Felt lost, always searching for purpose and meaning in her life and career. Now she has finally found what she was always searching for.

Tuck Self

Always felt like she was pushing, forcing, rebelling or having to stay quiet to now experiencing great freedom to just be herself.

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